Ceci est une page d'aide pour Board Game Arena: jouez aux meilleurs jeux de plateau en ligne !
Tips hanabi
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Play a card / : Convention : if there is more than one card sharing colour or number, the left card should be the first to be played. (Why ? Because it's the newest card. If you just received the information that you have two 1 on your hand after several turns where the red 1 was not seen, maybe someone would have hinted you that you had it sooner)
Hint / Indice :
Try to only hint playable card. Hinting another player he has a 4 on the beginning on the game is not really helpful.
Discard / Défausser :
Try not to discard if you're high on hints.
Convention : Discard the non-marked right card first. (Why ? Because it's the oldest card).