Ceci est une page d'aide pour Board Game Arena: jouez aux meilleurs jeux de plateau en ligne !
Game Help Odicey
Complete at your turn an orderly 5 dice line onto the Sea :
✓ built up with 1 or 2 or 3 colours : red / blue / white;
✓ which values are strictly : consecutive (increasing or decreasing) or identical;
✓ onto a vertical or horizontal or diagonal axis.
The Sea game board is placed in the middle of players. The Zeus’ die is placed next to the game board.
2 PLAYERS: Each player chooses one’s colour (red or blue), picks up 12 dice of the corresponding colour to build up his/her ships’ fleet and place them next to the game board (= home port).
4 PLAYERS: Each player chooses one’s colour (red or blue), picks up 12 dice of the corresponding colour to build up his/her ships’ fleet and place them next to the game board (= home port). Players of a same team play by alternating turns.
3 PLAYERS: 2 vs 1. Each player chooses one’s colour (red or blue), picks up 12 dice of the corresponding colour to build up his/her ships’ fleet and place them next to the game board (= home port). Players of a same team play by alternating turns.
The player who begins rolls 2 dice of his/her ships’ fleet from his/her Home port as well as the Zeus’ die, and places the obtained values onto any empty location of the Sea. Afterwards, the following player rolls 2 dice of his/her ships’ fleet from his/her home port, and the game continues…
1 - I CHOOSE 2 dice :
‣ of my colour, from my Home port and/or from the Sea;
‣ and/or of the opposing colour, from the Sea = only if this die has the same value as the Zeus’ die (= Zeus’ favour).
2 - I ROLL these 2 dice
3 - I PLACE these 2 dice onto the Sea :
‣ on any empty location ;
‣ on any occupied location by a same-valued die of any colour (= Hermes’ switch)
DICE SWITCH = Hermes’ trick
If, at your turn, you obtain an IDENTICAL VALUE to the one of any die (whatever its colour) already onto the Sea : ➡ You can choose to place your die in the place of this same-valued die. And then place this die onto any other location of the Sea : whether on any empty location, or on any already occupied location by a same-valued die (= new dice switch).
✓ The switch can be performed on any die of any colour. With 1 or both di(c)e. And can be applied as often as wished within a player’s turn.
DOUBLES = Athena’s and Zeus’ Aegis
If, at your turn, you obtain a DOUBLE (= 2 dice of identical values) :
➡ You place your dice onto the Sea and can play immediately a new extra turn.
‣ ATHENA’S AEGIS (If the value of the doubled die differs from the value of the Zeus’ die) =
You can choose to : whether roll 2 dice of your colour, or remove 2 dice of your opponent’s colour from the Sea to replace them in their home port.
‣ ZEUS’ AEGIS (If the value of the doubled die equals to the value of Zeus’ die) =
You can roll 2 chosen dice already placed onto the Sea : red and/or blue and/or white.
THE BONUS DIE = Zeus’ favour
✓ It’s first rolled by the player who begins the game and placed onto any location of the Sea.
✓ Its value determines common dice’s value during the game.
✓ It can not be chosen customarily during a player’s turn to be rolled. But it can be chosen to be rolled following a Zeus’ Aegis double. Its value can change during the game.
✓ It can be switched.
CLASSICAL DICE = the « Sea Couriers »
✓ They are shared split between players at the beginning of the game, according to their fleet’s colour.
✓ They can be chosen to be rolled, during one’s turn, by the player whom colour it is.
✓ They can be rolled whatever their colour, by any player : if their value onto the Sea equals to the Zeus’ die value.
✓ They can be switched.
The first player or team who completes successfully a 5 dice line wins the game !