Ceci est une page d'aide pour Board Game Arena: jouez aux meilleurs jeux de plateau en ligne !


De Board Game Arena
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For translaters

Please don't touch the <strong>, <i>, and text between [] (brackets).

For cards name, brackets contained hexa-decimal color of names. This will specify the color from this tag until the end, or until color is redefined. You probably don't need to change them, but it can be useful to understand them as some card names will have different word count on some languages. You can check by ptting code on HEX field here : https://www.google.com/search?q=color+picker


Overview and Goal

You are a gigantic Monster willing to do anything to become King of Tokyo. Your rampage brings you glory in the form of Victory Points (blue stars). To win, be the first Monster to gain 20 Victory Points. Or, get your claws out and eliminate your enemies. The last one standing claims victory!

Turn Overview

  1. Roll Dice
  2. Resolve Dice
  3. Enter Tokyo
  4. Buy Power cards
  5. End of turn

Roll Dice

On your turn, you can roll the dice up to three times. You can stop rolling any time.

On the first Roll, 6 dices are rolled. For your second Roll, if you like some of your results, you can set them aside (click on the to lock them) and only roll the ones you don’t like again.

For your third Roll, if you change your mind, you can roll any dice you set aside again (click on it to unlock it), along with any you still don’t like.

After you finish your three Rolls (or you decide to stop), continue to the Resolve Dice step.

Resolve Dice

Symbols rolled at the end of your last die Roll represent the actions of your turn.

Victory points (dices 1, 2 and 3)

If you roll three-of-a-kind of 1, 2 or 3, gain as many points as the number.

Each additional die rolled with the same face gains you 1 additional point.

Energy (lightning bolt die)

Gain 1 energy from the pool for each energy die.

Heal (heart die)

If you are outside of Tokyo, you can gain 1 heart for each Heal die rolled. You cannot gain above 10 hearts.

If you are in Tokyo, the hearts you roll do not let you gain heart (you can only gain heart with Power cards).

Smash (hand die)

Monsters that are not in the same place as you lose 1 for each smash die rolled.

If you are in Tokyo (Tokyo City or Tokyo Bay) and you roll smash dices, you wound all Monsters outside of Tokyo.

If you are outside of Tokyo and you roll smash dices, you wound all Monsters who are in Tokyo (Tokyo City and Tokyo Bay). These Monsters can then decide to Yield and leave Tokyo or stay. Monsters who Yield Tokyo still lose hearts. Each smash die results in losing one Life Point. If a Monster loses his last Life Point, he is eliminated.

Since no Monster starts the game in Tokyo, the Monster who plays first does not cause Monsters to lose heart with smash dices.

Note : Lost heart from a Power card effect is different thansmash dices. A Monster can only yield Tokyo when losing hearts from smash dice.

Enter Tokyo

Buy Power cards

End of turn

TODO : Feel free to add here a text version of PDF rules !


Cards combinations

If you have a doubt about some cards combinations, you can check answers listed here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DbI4EongciNvCcjQBwsMHuXxpzKA1x3ZD_MMdPzBRtM.