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De Board Game Arena
Révision datée du 6 septembre 2021 à 15:14 par Kerkael (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Dans Tapestry, vous guiderez une civilisation à travers le temps pour en écrite l'histoire glorieuse. Pour cela, vous progresserez sur des pistes de progrès et connaiss… »)
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Dans Tapestry, vous guiderez une civilisation à travers le temps pour en écrite l'histoire glorieuse. Pour cela, vous progresserez sur des pistes de progrès et connaissance basées sur 4 concepts - exploration, technologie, militaire, et science - et profiterez de leurs innovations. Cela vous permettra aussi de marquer des points, de vous étendre et contrôler la carte, et gagner d'autres capacités. La victoire est accordée au joueurs avec le plus de points en fin de partie !

Anatomie du Jeu

Chaque joueur dispose des ressources suivantes :

  • Money, represented by a yellow money bag. This mostly used to advance on the technology track.
  • Workers, represented by a gray meeple. This is mostly used to advance on the science track.
  • Food, represented by a brown mushroom. This is mostly used to advance on the exploration track.
  • Culture, represented by a red star. This is mostly used to advance on the military track.
  • Income buildings, which are the same colors as the above four items. These start the game on players' boards, but can later can be moved to each player's capital city to acquire the income bonuses underneath and to gain points or resources in your capital.
  • Tapestry cards, which are green. These can be played at specific points in the game for a bonus effect or ability.
  • Land tiles. This can be played onto the main board using an Explore action.
  • Space tiles, which are deep blue. These give a specific ability once activated.
  • Technology cards, which are yellow. These can be invented and upgraded for various abilities.
  • Outposts, represented by columns of your player color. These are placed on the board to show you have control of a territory using a Conquer action.
  • Tokens, represented by cubes. These track your progress on the different tracks. Your civilization may use these tokens for other things, and will describe how they are used in more detail.

All of the above items are public knowledge except for tapestry cards.

Each player has three boards:

  • The left board is your civilization board. This describes the background of your civilization and any abilities or special actions they may have.
  • The center board is your income board. This tracks how many resources you have, which tapestry cards you've played, which buildings you have yet to build, and the bonuses associated with any buildings already built.
  • The right board is your capital city. Buildings that are already built go here.

The central board contains the following:

  • The game score (not shown on the BGA interface - look at the player panels for this instead).
  • The four primary tracks - technology, science, exploration, and military, as well as the actions for each step on the track.
  • The game map. At the beginning of the game, this contains just a few islands, but can be added to as the game progresses.
  • Achievements, which are to the lower left of the game map. These are extra accomplishments that award points if you are among the first to complete them.


At the beginning of the game, you are dealt two random civilization boards. Choose one of them and follow any setup instructions shown on them.

In a 2 or 3 player game, you are also dealt two capital city boards. Choose one of them. This board has a number on it - place two of your outposts on that numbered space on the game map. (In a 4 or 5 player game, you are only dealt one of these and claim it automatically.)

All other setup components are automated by BGA.

Game Flow / What To Do On Your Turn

Tapestry takes place over multiple rounds. In most rounds, you'll advance on one of the four tracks by paying a resource cost - the exact cost depends on the track and the position you are advancing to (each is broken into four tiers with increasing costs). Afterwards, you'll take the actions associated with your new position on that track. Some spaces have an optional bonus attached to it, which you can pay additional resources to activate.

On other turns, usually those in which you don't have enough resources to advance on a track, you'll instead take an income turn. On these turns, you'll apply any civilization abilities (if they exist), play tapestry cards, upgrade technologies, and gain income. Your first turn of the game will always be an income turn, and your fifth income turn will be your last action of the game.

The Exploration Track / Exploring Tiles

The exploration track specializes in adding new tiles to the map. Many of the spaces involve collecting or placing land tiles. When you explore new land, you place one of the land tiles onto the board and gain the resource or bonus pictured on it. You may freely rotate the tile before placing it. For each side of the tile that has at least one land type matching a space already on the board, gain 1 VP.

The end of the Exploration Track also allows you to get space tiles. Once you gain these, just follow the instructions on them for an immediate bonus.

The Military Track / Conquering Tiles

The military track specializes in gaining control of the map. Many of the spaces involve conquering a tile. To do this, place one of your outposts on a space adjacent to one you already control, then roll both conquer dice. One of these gives you points, and another can give your resources - choose one of them as your bonus.

You can conquer territories controlled by an opponent this way - if you do, topple their outpost sideways. However, there is a specific tapestry card called a Trap that can reverse the effect of this, so be careful! (You still get the conquer bonus if this happens, you just don't gain control of the territory.) Also note that at no point can there ever be more than two pieces of any type on any space, so certain spaces will become "safe" as a result.

The Technology Track / Technologies

The technology track specializes in inventing and upgrading technologies. Many of the spaces involve the technology cards. When you first invent a technology, pick up one of the three face up technology cards next to the board, or the top card of that deck, and put one of them on the bottom row of your technology cards. Multiple cards can be in any given row.

At certain points, you'll be able to upgrade this technology by moving it to the next row. When you move it to the middle row, gain the benefit pictured within the circle of your card. Once there, it can be upgraded again to gain the benefit pictured in the square, but this upgrade can only be performed if you or the players next to you have reached a particular space on a track.

Note that certain technologies involve placing a landmark building - see the rules on landmarks for more details about how that works.

The Science Track / The Science Die

The science track specializes in assisting in advancing on other tracks. Many of the spaces involve the science die. When you activate these, roll this die - you may then advance on the indicated track. Early spaces on this just advance your position on this track without gaining any benefits from it, but later ones do gain the benefits as if you had occupied the space normally.

Later spaces on the track allow you to either repeat the effects of a specific track or change their position on it, which work the same way as above.

Buildings / Your Capital City

Buildings can be separated into two categories, income buildings and landmark buildings. Income buildings are usually gained from a track and will help gain income usable on that track or points that are easier to gain from actions on it; these always occupy just one unit of space. Landmark buildings are gained from being the first player on different tiers of the track or from specific technologies and occupy a larger amount of space on them (a 2x2 square at minimum).

When you place a building, it goes on any blank space on your capital city. Landmark buildings can be placed so they rest only partially on the board (as long as they occupy at least one space on it), but otherwise have the same rules for placement. Spaces with a red dot can't have a building on them, but for all other purposes are considered already filled in.

Once any 3x3 block within the capital is completely filled with buildings (and reserved space), gain any resource. Also, each completed row and column will award extra points during an income turn.

Tours de Revenu

Les tours de revenus sont en général pris quand vous n'avez plus de ressource pour continuer d'avancer. Il s'agit alors de passer. On peut choisir de faire un tel tour avec encore quelques ressources, dans des cas stratégiques, afin de bénéficier d'un bonus avant les autres joueurs, ou simplement pour garder de quoi payer un effet à venir. Quand vous choisissez de faire un tour de revenu (ou qu'il est imposé par manque de ressources en stock), dans l'ordre :

  • Activez les capacités de votre civilisation (si possible)
  • Jouez une carte Fresque sur la première case libre de votre plateau Revenus (si cela s’applique à l’ère en cours). Vous devez jouer 1 carte Fresque de votre main.
Dans le cas rare où vous n’avez pas de carte Fresque en main, placez la première carte de la pile face cachée sur votre plateau Revenus. 
  • Si vous êtes le premier de vos voisins à entrer dans une nouvelle ère, gagnez les ressources indiquées sur la case que vous venez de couvrir.
  • Améliorez 1 carte Technologie (optionnel ; voir Technologie)
  • Gagnez des points de toutes les icônes PV visibles sur vos pistes de revenus (à multiplier par le nombre de symboles Lauriers)
- Les bâtiments jaunes (marchés) donnent 1 PV pour chaque carte Technologie à côté de votre plateau (Lauriers + Carte Jaune)
- Les bâtiments gris (maisons) donnent 1 PV pour chaque ligne et colonne complétée dans votre capitale (Lauriers + Bâtiment)).
- Les bâtiments marron (fermes) donnent les PV indiqués avec ? (Lauriers + Point d'Interrogation)
- Les bâtiments rouges (arsenals) donnent 1 PV pour chaque territoire que vous contrôlez sur le plateau. (Lauriers + Hexagone Rouge)
  • Gagnez le revenu de toutes les icônes visibles de ressources, tuiles Territoire et cartes Fresque sur vos pistes de revenus.
  • Vous pouvez avoir un maximum de 8 de chaque ressource (pièces, ouvriers, nourriture et culture).
Note : Le premier tour de jeu est toujours un tour de revenu/income (mais en général sans interaction du joueur, sauf exception), et vous n'aurez non plus aucune action à effectuer au delà de votre cinquième et dernier tour de revenu.

Fin de Partie

Le jeu s'arrête quand tous les joueurs ont pris leur cinquième et dernier tour de revenu. Cela peut arriver de manière asynchrone et tous les joueurs n'auront as joué le même nombre de tours ni effectué autant d'actions, ce qui ne les pénalise pas pour autant. Le joueur avec le plus de point gagne alors la partie !