Ceci est une page d'aide pour Board Game Arena: jouez aux meilleurs jeux de plateau en ligne !


De Board Game Arena
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Tablut est un jeu tactique asymétrique pour 2 joueurs.

Il se joue sur un terrain 9 par 9 cases. Il y a 16 pions noirs, les moscovites, 8 pions blancs, les soldats, et un pion blanc spécial, le roi.

Les joueurs jouent tout à tout, en déplaçant à chaque fois un unique pion de leur couleur.

The initial setup looks like this:

Tablut board screenshot.png

Objective of the game

For the player with the black pawns, the muscovites, the goal is to make encircle the king in order to capture him.

For the player with the white pawns, the goal his to bring the king on any tile of the rim of the board.


All pawns move like the tower in chess: horizontally or vertically of any number of tiles.


The muscovites and the king starting positions are fortresses: as long as they do not leave those tiles, pawns can freely move inside them.

However, any pawn at a stop outside a fortress cannot enter nor pass through those tiles.


A pawn is captured, and hence removed from the board, when surrounded by 2 ennemy pawns on opposite neighbour tiles :

Tablut soldier capture.png

However, a pawn willingly moving between 2 ennemy pawns does not get captured.

The king is special in regard to capture: 2 muscovites are not enough to eliminate him, he must be encircled on all his 4 neighbour tiles, by muscovites or fortress tiles :

King capture.png