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De Board Game Arena
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Normal mode : BGA indicates which dice/locations/switches you can choose.

Chaos mode : without any indications.

Roll and place the dice as checkers ! Fit the constant alterings of the game board to pave the way for victory…!

In ODICEY, roll and place dice (ships) onto the 5x5 game board (sea) to restore the balance and steadiness among the chaos and tumult of the waves.

Tame Poseidon’s ire, god of the sea —> = the chaos generated by the successive rolls.

Through your journey, you’ll be assisted by :

  • Hermes, god of luck, of the good trick and of thieves —> = dice switches ;
  • Athena, goddess of wisdom and of battle strategy —> = in case of  a double, get an extra assault/defence turn ;
  • Zeus, god of sky, guardian and benefactor —> take control of some opposing ships / in case of a double, get an extra turn and possibly alter the game board general shape.

The first fleet who completes an orderly 5 dice line onto the sea, which values are strictly consecutive or identical, wins the game and brings the journey to an end !


Complete at your turn an orderly 5 dice line onto the game board :

✓ built up with 1 or 2 or 3 colours : red / blue / white;

✓ which values are strictly : consecutive (increasing or decreasing) or identical;

✓ onto a vertical or horizontal or diagonal axis.


The sea game board is placed in the middle of players and the Zeus’ die (white) is placed next to it.

Each player or team chooses one’s colour (red or blue). Players of a same team play by alternating turns.

The player who begins rolls 2 dice of his/her ships’ fleet from his/her home port as well as the Zeus’ die, and places the obtained values onto any empty location of the sea. Afterwards, the following player rolls 2 dice of his/her ships’ fleet from his/her home port, and the game continues…


1 - I CHOOSE 2 dice :

of my colour, from my home port and/or from the sea;

‣ and/or of the opposing colour, from the sea = only if this die has the same value as the Zeus’ die (= Zeus’ favour).

2 - I ROLL these 2 dice

3 - I PLACE these 2 dice onto the sea :

‣ on any empty location ;

‣ on any occupied location by a same-valued die of any colour (= Hermes’ trick)

DICE SWITCH = Hermes’ trick

If, at your turn, you obtain an IDENTICAL VALUE to the one of any die (whatever its colour) already placed onto the sea :

➡ You can choose to place your die in the place of this same-valued die and then place this die onto any location of the sea (whether on any empty location / or on any already occupied location by a same-valued die = new dice switch).

✓ The switch can be performed on any die of any colour. With 1 or both di(c)e. It can be applied as often as wished within a player’s turn.

DOUBLES = Athena’s and Zeus’ Aegis

If, at your turn, you obtain a DOUBLE (= 2 dice of identical values) :

➡ You place your dice onto the sea and can play immediately a new extra turn.

ATHENA’S AEGIS (If the value of the doubled die differs from the value of the Zeus’ die) =

You can choose to : whether roll 2 dice as for a classical turn / or remove 2 dice of your opponent’s colour from the sea (to replace them in his/her home port).

ZEUS’ AEGIS (If the value of the doubled die equals to the value of Zeus’ die) =

You can roll 2 dice or your choice already placed onto the sea : red and/or blue and/or white.

THE BONUS DIE = Zeus’ favour

It’s first rolled by the player who begins the game and placed onto any location of the sea. Its value determines common dice’s value during the game. It can not be chosen customarily during a player’s turn to be rolled, but it can be chosen to be rolled following a Zeus’ Aegis double. Its value can change during the game. It can be switched.

CLASSICAL DICE = the « Sea Couriers »

They are shared split between players at the beginning of the game, according to their fleet’s colour. They can be chosen to be rolled, during one’s turn, by the player whom colour it is. They can be rolled by any player : if their value onto the sea equals to the Zeus’ die value. They can be switched.


The first player or team who completes successfully a 5 dice line onto the sea wins the game !

@  : odicey.contact@gmail.com