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De Board Game Arena
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[Traduction en cours]

Une présentation de Formula D en 10 Secondes !

Vous débutez à Formula D?

Cette présentation en 10 secondes va vous poser les bases:

  1. Votre voiture commence la partie en 1ère vitesse.
  2. Au début de votre tour, vous commencez par décider si vous conservez votre rapport de vitesse actuel, si vous passez le rapport suivant ou bien si vous rétrogradez. Vous pouvez rétrograder d'un rapport sans pénalité.
  3. Après avoir défini votre rapport de vitesse, vous lancez le dé correspondant. Plus élevé est le rapport, plus grand sera le résultat obtenu.
  4. Une fois que vous avez lancé, vous devez vous déplacer d'un nombre de cases égal au résultat obtenu, en choisissant les cases sur lesquelles vous passez.
  5. Les Virages sont indiqués par une bordure de couleur (souvent rouge). Pour passer les virages sans pénalité, vous devrez terminer votre mouvement dans cette zone à la fin d'au moins un tour.
  6. Certains Virages sont particulièrement lents et vous demanderont de terminer 2 ou même 3 de vos tours dans leur zone.

Voilà! C'est un peu plus compliqué que ça en réalité mais ça vous donne les bases pour conduire en sécurité sur un circuit.

Important: Variantes de Règles BGA

L'adaptation de Formula D sur BGA utilise un certain nombre de variantes issues des règles Masters (Tournoi).

A la fin de ces règles, vous trouverez une liste des différences avec le jeu tel qu'il a été édité dans le commerce.

Notes d'adaptation /Erreurs courantes

  1. La partie centrale de votre voiture est à votre couleur spécifique de joueur.
  2. Ses pontons sont de la couleur des emplacements de stand qui vous sont attribués.
  3. Pour entrer dans votre emplacement de stand, vous devez sortir de la voie des stands vers les cases à la couleur qui vous est attribuée. S'arrêter dans la voie des stands sur une case en face des emplacements ne permet pas de réaliser un arrêt.
  4. Pour régler le niveau de zoom du circuit avec la souris, utilisez la molette tout en gardant la touche Ctrl enfoncée

Règles de Base


FORMULA D est une course automobile. L'objectif est de remporter cette course (sur un tour de circuit) en étant le premier à franchir la ligne d'arrivée). Cela nécessitera de gérer un certain nombre de risques au cours de la partie, que vous devrez anticiper autant que possible. Vous devez décider de votre stratégie, compter un peu sur la chance, prendre en compte les règles du jeu et garder un oeil sur l'état de votre bolide.


Les voitures disposent d'une boîte à 6 rapports. Chaque vitesse permet de lancer un dé spécifique. Les nombres sur le dé indiquent de combien de cases déplacer la voiture. Plus la vitesse est élevée et plus le nombre de cases obtenu au dé pourra être élevé. Vous ne pouvez pas monter plus d'un rapport à la fois (par exemple, passer de 1ère en 3ème est interdit). Vous pouvez rétrograder de 1 à 3 rapports mais descendre plus d'une vitesse (par exemple de 6ème en 4ème ou de 4ème en première) entraînera une pénalité.

Rapport Mouvement (Nombre de cases) Répartition des Faces
1 Jaune d4 1-2 1,1,2,2
2 Orange d6 2-4 2,3,3,4,4,4
3 Rouge d8 4-8 4,5,6,6,7,7,8,8
4 Vert d12 7-12 2 of each
5 Violet d20 11-20 2 of each
6 Bleu d30 21-30 2 of each
Test Noir d20 1-20 1-20 (perte de points de structure sur 1-4)


Comme dans la réalité, les voitures démarrent la course en 1ère vitesse. Vous pouvez ensuite monter les rapports, de la 2ème jusqu'à la 6ème vitesse, pour vous déplacer de plus en plus vite. Au début de son tour, un joueur doit annoncer quel rapport de vitesse il a choisi, déplacer son levier sur le tableau de bord et lancer le dé correspondant. Il/elle doit ensuite déplacer sa voiture vers l'avant d'un nombre de cases égal au nombre indiqué par le dé. A la fin de son mouvement, la voiture marque un "arrêt". Cette notion est importante dans les Virages.

Ordre du tour: A chaque tour de jeu, les joueurs jouent dans l'ordre de la position de leurs voitures sur la piste.

Exemple: Durant ce tour, la voiture A dépasse la voiture B qui occupait la première place. Pour le prochain tour, la voiture A, maintenant en première position, jouera avant la voiture B.

Les voitures dans la ligne droite des stands jouent toujours avant les voitures se trouvant dans la voie des stands. Lorsque deux voitures sont au même niveau, celle qui a le rapport de vitesse le plus élevé joue en premier. Si les deux voitures sont dans le même rapport, la voiture qui est arrivée à ce niveau en premier jouera avant l'autre.


Les voitures se déplacent sur les cases constituant les différentes voies du circuit. Le code de conduite diffère entre les virages et les lignes droites. Il n'est pas permis de passer sur une case déjà occupée par une voiture - il faut la contourner. Il n'est pas non plus possible de se déplacer en reculant.


Pour passer un virage, une voiture doit marquer un nombre minimum d'arrêts (indiqué dans le panneau jaune) dans les limites de la zone du Virage. Une fois effectué ce nombre d'arrêts, la voiture peut sortir librement de la zone de Virage lors de son prochain mouvement.

Afin de faciliter le passage des virages, le joueur peut consulter le nombre de cases disponibles dans le virage. Le nombre dans le cadre vert indique la trajectoire la plus longue, le number dans le cadre rouge correspond à la trajectoire la plus courte.


Les lignes droites sont les portions de circuit qui s'intercalent entre les Virages. Selon la longueur de la ligne droite, les voitures devront potentiellement jouer plusieurs coups avant d'atteindre le Virage suivant.

Important: Le mouvement dans une ligne droite doit être réalisé en parcourant le moins de cases possible.


Ils reflètent la capacité d'une voiture à rester en piste et à survivre aux événements de la course. Dans le Jeu de Base, chaque voiture possède 18 PS au début de la course. Les joueurs utilisent ces points pour surmonter les différents événements et entreprendre des manœuvres risquées.



Chaque joueur jette le dé noir pour définir la position de sa voiture sur la grille de départ. Celui qui obtient le plus haut résultat place sa voiture en première position (ou pole position) et ainsi de suite suivant l’ordre décroissant des résultats obtenus (on rejoue les égalités).


Avant d’enclencher sa 1re vitesse, chaque joueur jette le dé noir pour savoir s’il réalise un bon ou mauvais départ.

Résultat de 1 : mauvais départ. Le joueur a raté son départ car son moteur a calé. Il ne peut pas jouer sa 1re vitesse et reste donc sur place. Il attendra le prochain tour de jeu pour dém

Résultat compris entre 2 et 19 : départ normal. Le joueur a réalisé un départ normal. Il lance le dé de la 1re vitesse et déplace sa voiture du nombre de cases indiqué par le dé.

Résultat de 20 : super départ ! Le joueur a réussi un départ « canon ». Il avance aussitôt sa voiture de 4 cases sans jouer sa 1re vitesse. Il peut se décaler d’un ou deux couloirs pour éviter une voiture. Au prochain tour de jeu, il pourra jouer en 2e vitesse s’il le désire.


Quand une voiture, au bout de son déplacement, dépasse la limite d’un virage sans avoir marqué le nombre d’arrêts imposé, on considère qu’elle effectue « une sortie de virage ». Elle perd alors autant de PS pneus que de cases en trop.

Virage à 2 arrêts : si aucun arrêt n’est réalisé, la voiture est automatiquement éliminée

Virage à 3 arrêts : si aucun ou seulement un arrêt est réalisé, c’est aussi l’élimination automatique.

Lors d’une sortie de virage, la voiture ne peut changer de couloir, elle doit poursuivre son déplacement dans le même couloir de sortie. Si elle termine son déplacement dans un autre virage, cet arrêt ne sera pas compté dans ce nouveau virage. Si la voiture est bloquée par une autre, elle ne peut pas la contourner : elle est obligée de freiner.

Lorsqu’une voiture perd son dernier PS pneus suite à une sortie de virage, elle part en tête-à-queue. La voiture est placée à l’envers sur le circuit, à l’endroit où elle a terminé son déplacement. À son prochain tour, elle sera remise dans le bon sens, en 1re. Lors de ce tour, toute nouvelle sortie de virage d’une case lui fera faire un nouveau tête-à-queue (au-delà d’une case, elle est éliminée).

Si une voiture perd plus de PS pneus qu’elle n’en dispose, elle est éliminée de la course.


Un joueur peut utiliser ses PS freins à n’importe quel moment pour éviter d’avancer entièrement du nombre de cases indiqué par le dé. Ceci permet par exemple de réduire la perte des PS pneus en sortie de virage


Un conducteur peut sauter un, deux ou trois rapports en rétrogradant, cependant cela endommage la boîte de vitesses. Le nombre de rapports sautés engendre une perte de PS de la voiture de nombre égal. Note : il n'est pas possible de sauter quatre rapports (de la 6ème à la première).


Whenever a car ends its move on a space next to or behind one or several cars, there is a risk of collision. A driver in this situation must roll the black die to see whether there is a collision or not. If they roll a number between 1 and 4 their car loses 1 WP.


If a player rolls a 20 in 5th gear or a 30 in 6th gear, this puts a strain on their engine. After their car has finished moving they must therefore roll the black die to test whether their engine has withstood the strain. All players who are driving in 5th or 6th gear at this moment must also roll the black die. If a number between 1 and 4 is rolled, the corresponding car loses 1 WP.


The player whose car passes the finishing line first has won the race. The race ends when all cars have crossed the finishing line, in order to enable ranking.


For players who have already played several single-lap games.

Whoever crosses the finishing line first after two laps wins the game. Players may make a pit stop between the first and second laps to regain the WP points they lost during the first round.


At the end of the first lap a player may decide to make a pit stop to regain all the WP they have lost. There is no speed limit in the pit lanes. It is also not necessary to roll the exact number needed to reach one’s own pit.

In the BGA adaptation, your pit box matches the colour of your car's sidepods.


To enter the pits it is sufficient to roll the minimum number required or higher using the die corresponding to the selected gear. The car receives all 18 WP back and awaits their next turn to start from the pits in 4th gear (maximum).

The rules for changing down gear, collision, braking and engine damage do not apply in the pit lane. Overtaking is not possible as it is a single lane. Drivers have to be patient and wait until the car ahead of them moves forward, regardless of selected gear and with no effect on the WP.

Cars in the pit lane must wait for their turn, until the cars on the circuit between pit exit and entry have had their turn.

Advanced Rules



The cars have 6 gears, each gear has its own die. The numbers on the dice tell you how many spaces to move the car. The higher the gear you choose, the faster and further the corresponding die will allow the car to travel. You are not allowed to skip gears when accelerating (e.g. changing straight from 1st to 3rd gear). You are allowed to skip 1, 2, or 3 gears when braking (e.g. from 6th to 4th or from 4th to 1st gear); however there is a penalty for doing this.

Gear Die Movement (Number of spaces)
1 Yellow d4 1-2
2 Orange d6 2-4
3 Red d8 4-8
4 Green d12 7-12
5 Purple d20 11-20
6 Blue d30 21-30


As in real life, the car starts in 1st gear. Then you up shift to 2nd gear and so on up to 6th gear, in order to move as fast as possible. When it is a driver’s turn they announce which gear they have chosen, move the gear stick on their dashboard accordingly and then rolls the die which corresponds to the chosen speed. They then moves their car forward the number of spaces indicated on the die. When the move is finished the car “stops”. This notion is important especially in the corners.

Order of play

In each round the drivers play according to their car position on the track.

Example: During a round of play car A overtakes car B which was in 1st position. When the next round starts, car A, now in 1st position, will play before car B.

Cars in the straight outside the pit lane will always move before cars in the pit lane. When two cars are level, the car in the highest gear goes first. When cars are level and in the same gear, the car that arrived in their current space first will go first.

Same position

If two cars on the track are level with each other, the driver with the highest gear plays first.

If both cars are in the same gear, the car that arrived first at their current space plays first.


The cars drive in the track lanes. Different driving codes apply to corners and straights. It is generally not allowed to go over other cars – they must be driven round. Driving backwards is also not allowed.

Driving code in the corners

To drive through a corner a car must stop a minimum number of times (indicated in the yellow box) within the limits of the corner. After the requisite number of stops, the car may proceed and exit the corner on its next move.

To make it easier to drive through the corner, the driver should consider the indicated number of spaces. The number in the green box refer to the longest path, the numbers in the red box refer to the shortest path.

Driving code on the straights

Straights are the portions of track between corners. Depending on the length of each straight, cars may need several rounds before entering the next corner.

Important: The maneuver must be completed using the smallest number of spaces possible.


Wear Points reflect the ability of the car to stay on the track and survive events during the race. Each car has a certain number of WP at the beginning of the race, which are divided up between six different categories. These points are distributed as follows in the game for advanced players:

WP tires: 6
WP brakes: 3
WP gearbox: 3
WP car body: 3
WP engine: 3
WP road handling: 2



Every player rolls the black die in order to determine the starting position of their car. Whoever rolls the highest number gains pole position. The other cars are positioned in decreasing order according to the numbers rolled. (ln the case of a tie, all concerned players re-roll the die.)


Before engaging 1st gear, every player rolls the black die to see how successfully they can start.

Number rolled, 1 - poor start

The player has stalled the motor of their car. They cannot engage 1st gear and so have to wait till the next round. Then they can start in 1st gear without having to roll the black die again.

Number rolled: between 2 and 19 - normal start

The player can start normally. They roll the die for 1st gear and moves their car forward according to the number rolled.

Number rolled: 2O - great start!

The player makes a fantastic start. They move their car forward 4 spaces immediately, although they is still in 1st gear. The car can change one or two lanes to avoid other cars. The driver may shift to 2nd gear in the next round.


If a car passes through a corner at the end of its turn without making the required number of stops, it overshoots the corner. The number of spaces the car overshot the corner by is deducted from the car’s tire WP as a penalty.

Corner with 2 stops: If the car has made no stops, it is automatically removed from play.

Corner with 3 stops: If the car has made no stops, or only one stop, it is automatically removed from play.

When coming out of a corner the car may not change lane, but must stay in the same lane. If the move ends in another corner, this stop does not count for the new corner. If the car is blocked by another car, they cannot drive round it and has to brake.

When a car loses their last tire WP by overshooting a corner, they spin round in a circle. The car is placed on the space where their move ended, pointing backwards. The player must turn their car round again and drive off in 1st gear when it is their next turn. If they overshoot a corner again, they will again spin round in a circle. If the car overshoots the corner by more than one space, they are out of the race.

If a car loses more tire WP than it possesses, it is eliminated from the race.


A player may use their brake WP at any time to avoid having to advance the full number of spaces shown on the die. This can help to prevent losing tire WP if they would otherwise overshoot a corner.

A driver can find themselves blocked by one or more cars which they are unable to overtake. After the driver has moved their car forward as many spaces as possible, they counts how many spaces they would have moved if they had not been blocked.

If the number of spaces short of the full number 4 or greater, they may use Emergency Braking. In this case, their first 3 spaces must be paid for with Brake WP. Each additional space after that may be paid by either Brake or Tire WP.

Braking is paid for *after* Overshooting, so any Tire WPs lost to Overshooting will not be available for Emergency Braking.

If a car doesn't have enough brake WP and tire WP to stop before a blockage, it is eliminated from the race.


A driver can skip one, two or three gears when changing down, however this wears out their gearbox.

As a result, the car then loses a certain number of brake WP, engine WP and gearbox WP. The table below lists the corresponding wear. Note: It is not possible to skip four gears (from 6th to 1st gear).

Gears skipped Gearbox WP Brake WP Engine WP
1 gear 1 0 0
2 gears 1 1 0
3 gears 1 1 1

If a car has no gearbox WP left, the driver can only change clown one gear at a time until the game is over.


Whenever a car ends its move on a space next to or behind one or several cars, there is a risk of collision. A driver in this situation must roll the black die to see whether there is a collision or not. If they rolls a 1, their car loses 1 WP.

In this adaptation the car that did not just move rolls first. If it fails the roll and is eliminated from the race as a result, the car that moved will automatically fail its roll.

If a car loses its last car body WP, it is eliminated from the race.


If a player rolls a 20 in 5th gear or a 30 in 6th gear, this puts a strain on their engine. After their car has finished moving they must therefore roll the black die to test whether their engine has withstood the strain. All players who are driving in 5th or 6th gear at this moment must also roll the black die. If a number between 1 and 4 is rolled, the corresponding car loses 1 engine WP.

If a car loses its last engine WP, it is eliminated from the race.


Each time a car loses a car body WP or an engine WP, a damage marker is placed on the space where the move ended.

The same applies whenever a car is eliminated from the race for whatever reason. These spaces are judged to be "dangerous" from then on.

If a car passes over one of these spaces or lands on it, the driver must roll the black die. If the result is between 1 and 4, the car loses one road handling WP. The dangerous spaces can be avoided by changing lanes.

If a car loses its last road handling WP, it is eliminated from the race.


If a car drives in the wake of another car, this is called slipstreaming.

For the two concerned drivers, slipstreaming is possible from the 4th gear on.

The car must be driving as fast or faster than the car in front.

If a car wants to profit from slipstreaming after moving, it has to stop directly behind another car. From this position they can then add 3 spaces onto their last move. They can move forward 3 spaces in the following way:

  • change a lane, overtake the car in front and return to the original lane.
  • change a lane and move two spaces in a straight line.
  • change two lanes and move one space in a straight line.

The player must move a total of three spaces in any case. (However, the driver may use brake WP in order to reduce this number of spaces.) If slipstreaming brings a car up immediately behind another car, they can carry on slipstreaming (and so on).

IF a car is carried into a corner by slipstreaming, they loses a brake WP (without the number of spaces being reduced).

In a corner, a slipstreaming car must follow normal driving code (eg. following the arrows).

Braking in order to take advantage of slipstreaming in the wake of another player's car is not allowed.

Drivers do not have to slipstream!


At the end of the first lap, a player may decide to make a pit stop to regain all the tire WP they have lost. There is no speed limit in the pit lanes. It is also not necessary to roll the exact number needed to reach one's own pit.

In the BGA adaptation, your pit box matches the colour of your car's sidepods.

To enter the pits it is necessary to roll the minimum number required or higher using the die corresponding to the selected gear. As soon as the car enters the pits, it receives all its tire WP back. The player now rolls the black die, in order to see how fast their mechanics work.


The player divides the number shown on the black die by two (rounding it up if necessary). The result is the number of spaces the car is allowed to move when the car leaves the pit in 4th gear.


The car remains in the pit until the next round. Then the car moves on in 4th gear (or a lower gear).

The rules for gearing down, collision, braking and engine damage do not apply in the pit lane. Overtaking is not possible as it is a single lane. Drivers have to be patient and wait until the car ahead of them moves forward, regardless of selected gear and with no effect on the WP.

Cars in the pit lane must wait for their turn, until the cars on the circuit between pit exit and entry have had their turn.


The player whose car passes the finishing line first has won the race. The race ends when all cars have crossed the finishing line, in order to enable ranking.

Optional Rules

All the following rules can be used of one another.


Every player can distribute their 20 WP between the zones of their car at their own discretion. At least 1 WP must be assigned to each zone.

If using the Technical Pit Stops option, 2 addition WPs are available to assign, and players may assign 0-2 points to Repair points.


All players drive a qualifying lap with stopwatch consecutively, in order to determine their start positions. The rules for moves and driving code remain unchanged during the qualifier, however the WP are not taken into account. The only exception is if a car overshoots a corner - this is penalized.

  • The player whose turn it is to drive a qualifying lap places their car in the middle lane in front of the starting line.
  • You may not apply the brakes at all during Qualifying. If a roll forces you to overshoot a corner, it cannot be avoided.
  • You may freely Gear down any number of gears during Qualifying, with no cost or penalty.
  • The player receives a total number of points over their lap:
    • 1 point for each round the player takes to complete the lap
    • 1 point for each space the player overshoots a corner by (soft tires will have their points doubled)
    • 1 point for every full real-time minute it takes the player to complete the lap

Note: The qualifying lap is over if the driver does not stop at all in corners where two or three stops are required. They then have to start the race at the back of the field from the last start position.

After that the order of starting is determined: the car which has completed the qualifying lap with the fewest points takes first position. The other cars follow on in decreasing order of points. If two drivers have the same number of points, the real time taken to complete the lap decides: the fastest player gets the better start position.


There is a weather chart for each "Formula D" racing circuit, which is available to all players before the game so that they can inform themselves about weather conditions during the race and qualifying laps.

lf the weather rules are used, it is strongly recommended that the tire selection rules be used as well.

Before the qualifying laps begin, the black die is rolled and the weather chart consulted:

Good weather or Changable: no problems for drivers Rain: The qualifying laps for all players take place in rain (see below).

Before the actual race begins, the black die is rolled again and the weather chart consulted:

Good weather: no problem. Changeable: The sky is overcast at the beginning of the race, but is does not rain unless it rained during qualifying. Either way, this can change during the course of the race. Whenever a player in 5th gear throws a 20 or a 3O in 6th gear, at the end of the round they have to roll the black die and consult the weather chart:

If "good weather" comes up. the weather conditions are shifted one line upwards. If "rain" is the result, the weather conditions are shifted one line downwards. If the result is "changeable", the weather stays the same.

Weather Effect on race
Good None. The weather will no longer change.
Good (Temporary) None.
Changable This is the starting step and once the weather conditions shift up or down off Changeable, it will be skipped for the rest of the game.
Rain (Temporary) Rain.
Rain Rain. The weather will no longer change.


  • Collision: A result of 1 or 2 (instead of just a 1, as in good weather) means a collision occurs.
  • Engine damage: Occurs when result is between 1 and 3 (instead of between 1 and 4, as in good weather).
  • Road hanclling: The car loses one road handling WP for a result between 1 and 5 (instead of between 1 and 4, as in good weather)
  • Skidding on corners: Cars will skid on corners depending on their tire selection. See "Selection of tires", below.


The choice of tires is crucial not just for qualifying lap, but for the race itself. When weather conditions have been determined, each player can fit their car with special tires (see below). It is also possible to change tires between qualifying lap and the race.


They are recommencled on a dry track and inefficient on a wet track.

  • The game rules apply unchanged if the weather is good or changeable.
  • If it is raining, the car moves three additional spaces on any turn which contributes to advancing a corner.


They are recommended on a dry track and inefficient - if not handicapping - on a wet track.

  • If the weather is changeable or good, the car can move one additional space during each move in the qualifying or race laps. This additional move is not compulsory. But if a car overshoots a corner, the penalty is doubled (loss of tire WP). if a driver does not change their tires during a pit stop after the first lap, they lose the bonus. If a driver does not change their tires during a pit stop after the second lap, the penalties for overshooting a corner are trebled.
  • If it is raining, the car travels three spaces further on any turn which contributes to advancing a corner. If a driver cloes not change their tires during a pit stop before beginning the third lap, the penalties For overshooting a corner are trebled.


They are highly recommended if it is raining, but are otherwise very sensitive.

  • If the weather is changeable or good, the penalties for overshooting a corner are doubled (loss of tire WP) for qualifying and the first two laps of the race. If a driver does not change their tires before the third race lap, the

penalties are trebled.

  • If it is raining, the car travels one space further on any turn which contributes to advancing a corner.


Your pit has 2 WP which can be used during the race to regain lost WP (with the exception of tire WP). Every time a driver makes a pit stop they can choose between two options:

  • Tire pit stop: As in the rules for advanced players, except that the driver may change the type of tire whenever they changes tires.
  • Technlcal pit stop: The driver can change their tires (see above) and in addition regain up to two WP in one or two zones (except the tires). This "reservoir" of 2 WP applies for the entire duration of the race, even if it lasts for more than two laps. In the next round, the car may not start higher than 4th gear. A car with soft tires does not profit from the bonus of an additional space when leaving the pits.


A game using these rules is appropriate for a large group with an even number of players. The players form teams each with two players; each colour corresponds to a racing team. Apart from the following two exceptions, the rules apply unchanged:

  • Pit stop: Each team has 4 WP to repair the cars. Both players must decide together how they want to use these points.
  • Winner by points: A team race is not necessarily won by the first car to cross the finishing line. Each car receives a certain number of winning points. The team with the highest number of total points wins the race.
'Ranking No. of point
1 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
8 3
9 2
10 1


When this option is chosen, all cars have a nitro Fuel injection, which allows instant acceleration. Players can use their nitro once a lap after rolling the corresponding gear die. They receive a movement bonus according to the gear they are using at that moment (1 space in 1st gear, 2 spaces in 2nd gear, etc.). This bonus must be used completely.

When a car completes a lap, it replenishes its nitro fuel and may use it again.

BGA Rule Variations

The BGA Adaptation of Formula D uses a number of variations from the Masters (Tournament) rules.

The differences from the rules you will find in your own copy of Formula D are:


In the original rules, if two cars are level with each other, the driver with the highest gear plays first. If both cars are in the same gear, the car nearest the inside with reference to the next (or the current) corner plays first.

In this adaptation, the higher gear continues to be first but if both cars are in the same gear *then the player who first arrived at their space* goes first. Corners no longer affect who goes first.


The original rules provide a table that describes the outcome of "Emergency Braking" (when a car is blocked by one or more cars which they are unable to overtake). The table does not take Constructed Cars into account, so to clarify, the implemented rules are:

If a player performs Emergency Braking, they must move their car forward as many spaces as possible. If they need to brake more than 3 spaces, they are required to use Brake WPs for the first 3 spaces, and each subsequent space may be paid for using Brake WP *or* Tire WPs.

Braking is paid for *after* Overshooting, so any Tire WPs lost to Overshooting will not be available for Emergency Braking.


Players do not roll the black starting die at the beginning of Qualifying: they just start in 1st gear.

The original rules simply state that "WP are not taken into account" during qualifying. However, the effect of this is clarified in this adaptation:

  • You may not apply the brakes at all during Qualifying. If a roll forces you to overshoot a corner, it cannot be avoided.
  • You may freely Gear down any number of gears during Qualifying, with no cost or penalty.


In this adaptation, the active player checks for collisions only after all adjacent players have rolled. If an adjacent player fails their roll and is eliminated as a result, the active player will automatically fail their roll against that player.


In the original rules, the Weather die is thrown immediately when a player rolls the maximum number in 5th or 6th gear. In this adaptation, this roll still occurs but it is deferred until the end of the round. This way, weather can only change between rounds and not in the middle of a player's turn. If multiple players roll the maximum number, the weather die will be rolled multiple times.


The original rules have 4 steps for Changeable Weather (Good, Good - Changeable, Rain - Changeable, Rain).

In this adaptation, there are 5 steps: Good, Good - Temporary, Changeable, Rain - Temporary, Rain.

Changeable is only ever used at the start of a race, and by default is Good - with one exception: if it rained in qualifying then a changeable feature race will start Changeable but raining.

Weather will never be changeable in qualifying: it will be Good unless Rain is rolled.


The original rules state that if a car on 0 Tire WP overshoots a corner then it "will again spin round in a circle. If the car overshoots the corner by more than one space, it is out of the race". In this adaptation, a car with 0 Tire WP is eliminated if it overshoots a corner by more than 1 WP. Hence, even a single space overshoot will eliminate a 0 Tire WP car on soft tires.


The original rules state that cars will skid in the rain "provided at least one space of the move lies within the limits of a corner". In this adaptation, skidding will only occur on any turn that counts towards a corner's completion. That means:

  • Driving through a corner that you have already completed will not cause you to skid
  • If you are on the final space in a corner and still need to land in it 1 more turn, you will skid on your next move even though you are driving into a straight


Motor damage checks are always performed in round order.


The original rules state that the rules for braking do not apply in the pit lane. In this adaptation, there is no braking cost for stopping immediately behind another car, or in your pit box. However, there is a brake cost for travelling any distance shorter than that.


The rules for gearing down DO apply in the pit lane.


The soft tire bonus may not be used when moving after a Quick Pit Stop.

If Technical Pit Stops are enabled, players may always choose to take one (and thus finish their turn) even if they have no repair points or repairs to perform.


In this adaptation, if players have selected the option to Construct their own car then there are no limits to how many points they may assign to any given area.

In games that have also selected the Technical Pit Stop rules, then instead of having a fixed 2 WPs available for Pit repairs, a player will have 22 WPs to use in Construction and can choose how many repair points to make available, with a maximum of 2.


The Road Race rules, including Drivers with special abilities, are not used.

Where Road Race circuits are used, all non-standard rules are ignored.

Nitro Fuel Injection is available as an option for all races.


When a player is eliminated, the outcome is slightly different from the immediate rules.

  • If the elimination was caused by the player overshooting corners or driving over a damage marker, the car is immediately removed from the board and no damage marker is placed
  • If the elimination was caused by the player failing a motor damage test, the car is immediately removed from the board and a damage marker is added.
  • If the player is eliminated by any other reason, a damage marker is added and the car remains on the board until the end of the round, when it is removed.